Welcome to the Lions Club of Millicent. A group of enthusiastic men and women who believe in helping their community. Our motto of “We Serve” is our guide to supporting our community.
We provide a number of services including support for community events such as the Lions Family Fun Day, organising the Australia Day Breakfast, assisting people who are disadvantaged, providing catering services to the community from our Catering Caravan and Cold Room, fund raising at events such as the Millicent Show and Lucindale Field Days, and whenever a helping hand is needed around our district. We also hold equipment for hire and a separate page shows a price list although for charitable purposes we usually waive hire fees.
Our clubrooms are in the Community Area on Fifth Street.
The Lions Club of Millicent was chartered in May 1964 and has an active membership of 50. We welcome new members to our meetings which are held on the first and third Tuesdays usually at the Clubrooms starting at 6:30pm for 7:00pm